Apart from the classics on PTV, if there’s one drama that quite literally and truly revived the drama industry in Pakistan, it’s Humsafar!
Our very own Humsafar that started it all turns ten, and fans have taken to Twitter to celebrate #10YearsOfHumsafar and it’s quite the trip down the memory lane!
Time for a little story to celebrate #10YearsofHumsafar. This was the first Pakistani drama that I ever watched while I was away in college, trying to find something that will help me cope with horrible homesickness. pic.twitter.com/fBvv4w2JZB
— sadaf (@sadaf1100) September 23, 2021
omg humsafar turned 10!!!! tbh humsafar’s ost is superior and my Ashar and Khirad babies are superior too, they will forever be iconic
#10yearsofhumsafar pic.twitter.com/NfepWBzcq2
— sami
(@saiyaaraaa) September 23, 2021
Some shared what the drama taught them:
– They taught me love, forgiveness, redemption and strength. Ashar & Khirad forever
#10YearsOfHumsafar pic.twitter.com/mvgJMwLJ3e
(@Aesthet1callyFM) September 23, 2021
Jo baat hai!
nothing will ever be good as this show, their chemistry and the ost
i miss them so much #10YearsOfHumsafar pic.twitter.com/fkmk69PW5o
— حور (@__hoorain) September 23, 2021
Absolutely, an OST that is in a league of its own!
#10YearsofHumsafar won't be complete without celebrating @Quratulainb. Her voice and the Humsafar OST have defined a decade worth of memories, been the background score through the different phases of our lives while living forever in our hearts
— sadaf (@sadaf1100) September 23, 2021
Hahaha, this was literally all of us:
Omg a decade has passed… was in love with Fawad and Mahira then and still am
It’s funny that I shipped them as a kid and was heartbroken when I found out they were married to their respective spouses
#10yearsofhumsafar pic.twitter.com/KgVdfksbm2
— Sami
(@reeeebss) September 23, 2021
Nothing like Humsafar:
Damn it's been #10yearsofhumsafar hold to my heart. My forever love fahira. Emotionally draining & bestest drama. All competition beaten hands down. Humsafar will be forever our Humsafar.
(@Shahzadi_Sipra) September 23, 2021
look at them and tell me how can I not fall in love
they’re too precious
#10YearsOfHumsafar@TheMahiraKhan pic.twitter.com/smkOlQR3ES
— Annie
(@IAnniee__) September 23, 2021
People were thanking Hum TV and Farhat Ishtiaq for giving them Humsafar:
Thank you @Humtvnetwork @FarhatIshtiaq @TheMahiraKhan for giving us such a masterpiece…#10yearsofhumsafar pic.twitter.com/0jPngRGQ2K
— zainAB KHAN
(@zainABK13581323) September 23, 2021
Oof, those days!
These were the kind of memes.. and imagine those were the times when Pti was at peak of its popularity #10yearsofHumsafar pic.twitter.com/WoadSDAON5
— M! (@mariyaboon) September 23, 2021
She is always so exited while talking about Humsafar
She always talks about it
Always giving the credit to whole team
Always saying that this drama made her
Humsafar gave her alot but she gave her whole self to it n she still does that
#10yearsofhumsafar #Mahirakhan pic.twitter.com/rbaCTqoiSc— Z.M (@zareen_mahmood) September 23, 2021
"mujh se naraz ho ke soye thay, mujh se naraz ho ke office mat jaayein"
The impact of this scene still stays the same, even after a decade.#10YearsofHumsafar— sarah (@sarahistic) September 23, 2021
Where’s the lie?
Ten years of them
They created magic that time
And they still ignite same chemistry#10yearsofhumsafar pic.twitter.com/xWkD0MjFUX
— Muqaddas Iftikhar (@if_muqaddas) September 23, 2021
I swear!
Rainy days are never complete without a cup of chai and the humsafar OST playing in my room
#10YearsOfHumsafar https://t.co/s4XLglE7Hd
(@Aesthet1callyFM) September 23, 2021
Fans were sharing their favourite scenes:
this scene will always have a special place in my heart
#10YearsOfHumsafar@TheMahiraKhan pic.twitter.com/Qz9S6ym7am
— Annie
(@IAnniee__) September 23, 2021
The heart, so full
last Scene ♡#10YearsofHumsafar pic.twitter.com/DycKmZnYmj
— فا (@perfectlywrogn) September 23, 2021
gonna be watching obi’s humsafar parody again tonight to honour this beautiful occasion
happy 10 years to the first pakistani drama i ever watched! it’ll always be so special to me. ♥️ #10YearsofHumsafar
— deeya. (@rangdechunar) September 23, 2021
What a journey it’s been!
Humsafar reminds me of my childhood. Bitter sweet memories. A time that taught me how to be brave and stand for myself. A time when I took awful decisions but most importantly a time that gave me friends who became family. #10YearsofHumsafar
— a**** (@grimorgray) September 23, 2021
Thinking about the scene when ashar comes home late from office and jumps on the bed. Khirad wakes up and they have that cute af conversation
(@paindupastry) September 23, 2021
Fans from across the border were celebrating too!
The time Humsafar aired on zindagi in India and people here were mad for this show
— 𝓝𝓾𝓼𝓱 (@fangirlanushka) September 23, 2021
Ours too, sis!
Btw idk how many of you remember when hum tv bitches pulled a ‘oh we repeat the episode cuz of technical glitches’ that was my first heartbreak
but the relief of getting 23 episodes instead of 19 was unmatched too! #10YearsOfHumsafar
— a**** (@grimorgray) September 23, 2021
Hahaha, can’t argue with that!
Most of us were shipping Mahira and Fawad before we even knew what shipping was #10YearsOfHumsafar
— Ruma
(@Rumesa589) September 23, 2021
People were sharing how the show was an absolute treat to watch!
There's something just so special about this drama. It's not revolutionary in any way in terms of its story or plot. But the direction, acting, chemistry, simplicity of storytelling – all of it just makes it so special! #10yearsOfHumsafar
— ريا (@Tzama98) September 23, 2021
Do you miss Humsafar? Let us know in the comments below!